Competences and employment

The objectives of this Master's degree are to provide graduates with a high level of knowledge and competence in physiology and space medicine. Specifically, the objectives of this Master's degree are (a) to train future researchers; (b) to train doctors and scientists who will be involved in medical aptitude to space flight and extreme environments; (c) to educate top skilled engineers who will be able to design, optimize, operate, and validate life support devices.

More specifically the competencies and learning outcoumes acquired with SpaceMed will be:
  • Advanced knowledge on:

- function and morphology of physiological systems most affected by spaceflight and exposure to extreme environments, including the cardiovascular, respiratory, nervous (central, peripheral, autonomic), renal, metabolic, musculoskeletal systems;

- interaction of physiological systems, which yields integrated responses to challenges such as exercise, hypoactivity, hypoxia, hypo/hypercapnia, hypo/hyperbaric conditions, hypo/hyperthermia, hypo/hypergravity, radiation, isolation, confinement, stress, parabolic flight, and space flight;

- adaptation and acclimatization of physiological systems to different environmental conditions;

- functional and morphological limitations of each system;

- efficacy of countermeasures in preventing or mitigating the challenges posed by spaceflight and exposure to extreme environments;

- ground-based analogues of spaceflight, Mars and the Moon (bed rest, dry immersion, planet-like environments), particularly their benefits and limitations;

- Space Ergonomics, including human-robot interaction;

- data analysis, statistics, numerical and laboratory modelling techniques;

- ethics in research, especially regulations regarding research with human participants;

- cooperation with administrations and private companies.

  • New skills enabling the student to:

- use complex equipment to record human physiological data and responses to experimental stimuli;

- use advanced analysis tools in the time and frequency domains to provide operational and design values for these.

- apply theoretical and factual knowledge of human physiology to analyse, interpret and communicate experimental physiological data;

- apply experimental design skills to understanding population responses and interpreting quantitative data;

- explain physiological processes accurately and concisely in scientific journal-style format and orally, using relevant scientific terminology and nomenclature;

- write scientific/projects reports and publish them for targeted audiences;

- organize and/or help in organizing conferences and/or workshops;

- design and implement a project.

  • Competences to:   

- use their knowledge to convey key subject matter both in writing and orally;

- use their knowledge to exchange ideas and experiences with others with a background within the subject area;

- work effectively and collaboratively in a team environment;

- manage complex technical activities or project, taking responsibility for decision-making in unpredictable contexts;

- demonstrate initiative, personal responsibility, respect for others, accountability, integrity and be  aware of the expectations of a professional working environment

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