Course catalogue

The Master study programme is divided into four semesters of 30 ECTS each.
  • Semester 1


    Biomedical Physiology – 30 ECTS

    • Basic human physiology, with emphasis on extreme environments
    • Hands on activities in research and clinical laboratories
    • Practical demonstrations with associated partners (e.g., parabolic flight)
    • Ethics in research
    • Data analysis
    • Statistical procedures
  • Semester 2


    Environmental Physiology – 30 ECTS

    Building on the lessons of the first semester, students will receive advanced knowledge in some specialised areas. They will also learn to use advanced measurement methods during their laboratory rotation. Finally, they will carry out a research project during a two-month internship.

  • Semester 3


    Extreme environments – 30 ECTS

    • Human habitats in extreme environments
    • Spaceflight-associated musculoskeletal atrophy
    • Spaceflight-associated cardiovascular deconditioning
    • Circadian rhythms, sleep and nutrition
    • Space Ergonomics, including human-robot interaction • Pilot studies (bedrest, countermeasures, hypoxic confinement, isolation etc.)
  • Semester 4


    Master Thesis – 30 ECTS

    Students will complete a six-month research project or industrial placement. The culmination of all semesters will lead to the awarding of a Master Thesis.

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